Healthy Harvest Festival
October 12, 2013 - 10:00am
NAACP First Annual Labor Awards Dinner and Dance
October 4, 2013 - 6:00pm
NAACP First Annual Labor Awards Dinner and DanceSan Bernardino Hilton Hotel285 E Hospitality Lane, San Bernardino CA 92408
Friday, October...
NAACP Department of Justice Petition
July 15, 2013
In 1955, a young black man in Money, Mississippi, went to the store to buy some candy. Fifty-seven years later, another young...
NAACP-Riverside ACT-SO Youth to Compete at NAACP Natio...
May 20, 2013
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMay 20, 2013 Contact:Natasha Simone FergusonCommunications/Public Relations Chairntouchpr@yahoo.c...
2013 Freedom Fund Celebration
May 16, 2013 - 5:00pm
NAACP Riverside cordially invites you to2013 Freedom Fund Awards CelebrationThursday, May 16, 2013 | 5:00-9:00 p.m.Riverside Auditorium and Event...
NAACP Branch 1059 Membership Kickoff
April 18, 2013 - 6:00pm
Please come out and support the nation's oldest and largest civil rights organization. Join President Waudieur “Woodie” Rucker-Hughes, for a ni...