NAACP-Riverside ACT-SO Youth to Compete at NAACP National Convention

May 20, 2013




May 20, 2013 

Natasha Simone Ferguson
Communications/Public Relations Chair | 951.662.8780

NAACP Riverside Branch ACT-SO Youth
to Compete at NAACP National Convention

RIVERSIDE, CALIF. — May 20, 2013 — Academic Cultural Technological Scientific Olympics (ACT-SO) was founded in 1978 by the late Vernon Jarrett. It is designed to recruit, stimulate, improve and encourage high academics and cultural achievement among African American high school students. Each year at the NAACP National Convention, scholars compete in different categories including: Performing Arts, Humanities, Visual Arts, Science and Entrepreneurship.

Earlier this year, NAACP-Riverside branch recruited students who competed in local competitions to qualify them to go to the National Competition which will be held in Orlando Florida, July 11-14, 2013. ACT-SO, often referred to as the Olympics of the mind, centers around the dedication and commitment of the community. These youth will compete with their peers from all over the United States and have the opportunity to win scholarships, monetary awards and a lap top computer.

In order to send these scholars to the national competition, donations and sponsors are needed. If you are interested in supporting ‘today’s youth — tomorrow’s leaders’ with a donation, please contact: (951) 324-9603 or email for additional information.



ACT-SO (RIVERSIDE BRANCH) YOUTH  - Photo by John Coleman