ACT-SO Fish Fry Fundraiser


ACT-SO logo
Academic, Cultural, Technological, Scientific Olympics of the Mind (ACT-SO) is an enrichment program designed to recruit, stimulate and encourage high academics and cultural achievement among high school students of Afro-American decent. Each year, students from across the United States compete in 26 different categories for national scholarships and awards representing their branch at the NAACP National Convention.

The Riverside Branch NAACP held their local ACT-SO competition in March. The Riverside Branch Gold Medal winners and the categories they competed in are as follows:


  • Dance - Christie Bengtson, Ramona High School
  • Dramatics  - Nia Campbell, M.L. King High School
  • Music/Instrumental (Contemporary)  - Nadja White, Canyon Springs High School
  • Music/Vocal (Contemporary)  - Nadja White, Canyon Springs High School
  • Oratory- Danielle McDonald, J.W. North High School
  • Photography - Archie Howard, III, Canyon Springs High School
  • Poetry - Danielle McDonald, J.W. North High School


 This year's National NAACP Convention will be held July 7-12 in Houston, Texas. In order to send these scholars to represent NAACP-Riverside, ACT-SO holds a Fish Fry each year.

Please support these youth by purchasing a ticket for the annual Fish Fry.

Tickets are only $10 and meals include your choice of Catfish, Tilapia or Red Snapper, coleslaw, bread and a soda.

To purchase a ticket and for more information contact Lillian Harper at 951-368-4819, or email

Sat, Jun 16, 2012 - 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Community Settlement Association
4366 Bermuda Avenue
Riverside, CA 92507