NAACP Veterans Affairs Committee to Honor Veterans at Annual Luncheon

November 5, 2012



November 5, 2012

Natasha Simone Ferguson
Communications/Public Relations Chair

NAACP Veterans Affairs Committee to Honor Veterans at Annual Luncheon 

RIVERSIDE, CALIF. — November 5, 2012 — The NAACP Veterans Affairs Committee will hold its 42nd Annual Anderson Copeland Memorial Veterans Recognition Luncheon on Monday November 12th, 11 a.m. at Kansas Avenue Seventh Day Adventist Church in Saulter Hall, located at 4491 Kansas Avenue in Riverside, Calif. The Veterans Recognition Luncheon is an annual event honoring men and women who have sacrificed their lives through the armed services to allow us to have our freedoms here in America. A delicious lunch will be served and special guests include the Montfort Point Marines and the Tuskeegee Airmen. In addition, there will also be a few vendors, an opportunity drawing, and veterans joining for the first time will be awarded a medal and special commemorative calendar. All veterans are encouraged to wear their uniform and/or medals. Seating is limited so please come early!

For more information call 951.324.9603.  
