We appreciate all of those who have participated in our Blurred Lines-Standing Up For Justice Movement.
Join us as we close out this first phase with a Peace Rally.
NAACP Riverside Branch #1059
For a PEACE RALLY as we close out the first phase of Blurred Lines - Standing Up for Justice Movement.
FREE & Open to the Public
SAT., NOV. 8th • from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Cross Word Christian Church, 21401 Box Springs Rd., Moreno Valley CA 92557
Festivities will include:
Delicious food provided by Big Dee's Texas Bar-B-Que & Seafood * Resource Vendors * Special Presentations * Music * Family Fun & Fellowship
October 21, 2014Community Forum and Peace Rally to Close-Out the four part series of “BLURRED LINES” – Standing Up for Justice Movement
RIVERSIDE, CALIF. — October 21, 2014 — The NAACP-Riverside Branch launched "Blurred Lines - Standing Up for Justice Movement" last month in response to the ongoing violence escalating within our communities. The mission of this movement is a call for the community to collectively raise their voices and take preemptive action through discussions and forums in a four-part series. The blood of our innocent youth at the hands of those called to "protect and serve" cries out for justice! These deaths of unarmed citizens such as Mike Brown, Ezell Ford and countless others have created a unification of national leaders and organizations who continue to be on the frontlines fighting for justice. NAACP Riverside Branch is hopeful that this movement will be the culmination to the ultimate goal which is a peaceful resolution, reform and ultimately re-training of our law enforcement.
The first Blurred Lines Community forum took place last month with the focus on addressing the self-inflicted violence being perpetrated within our community at the hands of our own young people. The next panel discussion includes law enforcement who will add to this dialogue by injecting their perspective. This Community Forum takes place Monday, October 27 at 6:30 p.m. held at Living Way Christian Fellowship inMoreno Valley, Calif. Special guests added to this panel include: Officer Stinson Brown from LAPD, Lt. Byron Woods from LA County Sheriff’s Dept., City of Riverside Police Chief Sergio Diaz, Moreno Valley Police Chief Joel Ontiveros, and Pastor Harold Webber of Living Way Christian Fellowship. Returning panelists will be NAACP Riverside Branch President Waudieur “Woodie” Rucker Hughes; Dubois Institute Executive Director Dr. Abdulmumin; Street Positive CEO Terry Boykins; Crisis Intervention Specialist Aquil Basheer; UCR Professor of Psychology Dr. Carolyn Murray; and the moderator will be NAACP Riverside Branch Criminal Justice Chair Imam Terry Taalib Major.
Blurred Lines – Standing Up for Justice Movement will conclude with “Put Down Your Guns” Peace Rally on Saturday, November 8 from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Cross Word Christian Church in Moreno Valley, Calif. The community is invited to come out and enjoy good food, music, fellowship and valuable information and resources from community vendors.These events are free and open to the public. For more info contact: Terry Taalib Major at 951.292.2654, or Natasha Ferguson at 951.662.8780 email naacpriversidepr@yahoo.com. Also visit www.naacp-riverside.org.###
About NAACP Riverside Branch (www.naacp-riverside.org)
The mission of the NAACP is to advocate for political, education, social and economic equality of rights for all citizens, as well as eradicate racial injustice. The NAACP-Riverside Branch has been fulfilling this mission serving the community for over 70 years.
Media Contact:
Natasha Simone Ferguson
Communications/PR Chair - NAACP Riverside Branch #1059
951.662.8780 | ntouchpr@gmail.com